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Last updated 07.31.24


Studio Membership

  • Studio membership (paid tuition) includes:

    • Enrollment as a part of Perfect Blend Music Studio with a designated lesson time that is confirmed by the teacher

    • Performances in Recitals, Concerts, and Collaborations

    •  All lesson materials including books (updated 7/31/24)

    • Quality lessons with a respected and qualified teacher

    • Tuition is not dependent on attendance. Tuition is to be paid regardless of attended lessons.



Recitals and Evaluation Programs

  • Participation in the fall and spring recitals are required for students under 18 years of age.

  • If a student absolutely cannot attend a recital, arrangements must be made to have a performance at the studio in the place of the recital outside of lesson time.

  • The Evaluation Program will take place during the springtime and is also required.


Investment + Payment

  • Tuition is flat rate and is $150, charged monthly on the 1st of each month and must be paid by the 15th of each month to avoid a late fee.

  • Invoices are sent on the 1st of each month

  • Late fees are added at 12:00 AM on the 16th of each month if the account is not at $0 by that time.

  • Lesson books are now included in tuition price. Teacher will purchase lesson books as needed. (updated 07/31/24)

  • All tuition accrued by the end of the session is to be paid in full by the last lesson. Students owing tuition the day after the end of the current session may not re-enroll until the remaining balance is paid.


Methods of Payment:

  • Invoice Link (processes through PayPal)

  • Check – made out to Perfect Blend

  • Venmo – perfectblend_dwight

  • Cash is NOT an accepted form of payment



Cancellations + No-Shows

  • Fees are not reversed if a student is unable to come to lessons.

  • If the teacher cancels lessons, you will receive a credit for that lesson.

  • If a student is late, the lesson will end at normal time without a tuition deduction because lessons are scheduled back to back.

  • No-shows will equal a forfeited lesson.

  • No-shows are inconsiderate. The teacher spends a great deal of time preparing for the student’s lesson, and it is unfortunate when a student misses a lesson without prior communication. If three no-shows occur within a semester, the student will be asked to terminate lessons until attendance can be improved.



Makeup Lessons

  • Due to an efficient and tight teaching schedule, makeup lessons are not available. If you need to reschedule a lesson, please swap with another student. Paper swap lists are found in your students’ binder as well as at the studio. You can also contact the teacher for the most recent swap list

  • Students and families are responsible for contacting another student to swap. You must also contact the teacher in a reasonable amount of time with information about the swap decided upon.



Inclement Weather

  • If Dwight Township schools close due to weather, we will not have lessons or classes. When weather related closings occur, a credit will be applied to the student’s account. If power is still available, virtual lessons may be used in lieu of an in person lesson with no credit given and the lesson counted as “attended.”        



Summer Lessons

  • Summer lessons are required for students to stay an active member of Perfect Blend Music Studio. Students who take lessons throughout the summer have a much higher rate of success and retention than students who do take summer off.

  • Summer lesson scheduling is much more relaxed and flexible than standard scheduling.



Sickness and Hygiene

  • Students should not come if they have any visible signs of sickness, are contagious, or do not feel well. A virtual lesson may take the place of an in person lesson if the student feels well enough to participate.

  • Prior to the lesson time, the student should use the restroom and wash their hands to minimize germs. Fingernails should also be clipped at a shorter length to accommodate a proper hand position.




  • Practice time is expected and required during the week between lessons.

  • Generally, 10-20 minutes once or twice a day works much better than cramming 30 minutes in right before lessons. If you’d like help navigating practice time, feel free to ask the teacher.

  • Each student must fill out a practice record each week and must show it to their teacher at lessons.

  • Practice Requirement:

    • Wunderkeys Primer Book 1 and 2 – 5 minutes

    • Wunderkeys Primer Book 3 – 10 minutes

    • Level 1 – 20 minutes

    • Level 2A – 25 minutes

    • Level 2B – 30 minutes

    • Level 3A and above – 45 minutes

  • Failure to fill out their practice log for more than 4 weeks will result in a conversation between the parent/guardian and teacher to discuss the lack of practice and involvement in their musical education.


Parental Involvement & Communication

  • Parents and family are welcome to observe lessons if desired and all electronics must be silenced.

  • If there are any issues regarding student progress, general concerns, or a situation, please inform the teacher via call, text, or email. A meeting can also be scheduled if needed.

  • Important studio information will be emailed once a month.

  • Students may contact the teacher at any time via email, text, or call.

  • Feel free to leave a voicemail if the teacher does not answer


Instrument Upkeep



  • Students are REQUIRED to own an 88 key acoustic or digital piano in the home they spend the majority of their time in.

  • Beginner students may NOT have a piano with fewer than 88 keys.

  • All pianos MUST have a working pedal

  • Acoustic piano owners are REQUIRED to tune their piano once a year. The teacher will keep a log of all students with acoustic pianos and will be in touch with each family. When tuning has occurred, please send confirmation to the teacher.

  • If you need help deciding what brand or type of piano to purchase, please contact your teacher for ideas and assistance.



  • Please bring your instrument with you to every lesson.

  • Students should follow the recommendations from the teacher regarding which kind of strings to purchase and any other necessary equipment.

  • If you are looking to upgrade your instrument, please contact your teacher for ideas and assistance.



Media Release

  • Photos, video, and audio recordings of students and/or performances may be posted via public media for promotional materials, marketing, or general studio news.

  • Identifying information will be excluded or limited to first names only. Parents wishing to exempt their students from any published media may do so by providing a written request for each student.


General Behavior Guidelines

  • Lessons are a privilege to each student and must be treated as such.

  • Students should be respectful to the teacher, other students, themselves, and property in the studio.

  • Running is not allowed and talking should be done in a modest manner.

  • Profanity and inappropriate behavior by any person are not tolerated.

  • The teacher has the authority to ask a student to discontinue a lesson if a student is being intensely disruptive, inappropriate, or unwilling to cooperate.



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